映像作家 足利 広氏、振付 ダンス OBA氏、タブラ 森上唯氏に協力いただき
“ It would be difficult to meet somebody lightly, so I thought I wanted to write a letter. “ Based on the 10-beat cycle of North Indian classical music called Jhaptaal, I reconstructed the theme from another perspective.
Video artist Hiroshi Ashikaga, dancer OBA, and tabla player Yui Morikami participated in the filming and editing of this video work.
田中悠宇吾 Yugo Tanaka シタール奏者
Sitar Yugo Tanaka https://www.yugotanaka.com
Choreograph & Dance OBA http://obadance.com
Tabla Yui Morikami https://linktr.ee/yuimorikami
Film Hiroshi Ashikaga https://asokafilmworks.jp/
Guest Musicians
Shoichi Yamada /Bass https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCds9...
Yui Morikami/Tabla https://linktr.ee/yuimorikami
撮影協力:BUoY https://buoy.or.jp/